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  • Writer's pictureTK Tennakoon

Creative Exploration | 'Artificial Reveries': Can poetry be the prompt that humanises A.I. art?

‘Artificial Reveries’ is a series of deeply personal poems given visual form by an AI generative art engine.

The project’s construct sets the stage for a novel form of storytelling - one that’s almost synesthetic in nature. Here, original poetry and prose become prompts - priming a multi-layered manipulation of a vast visual archive that goes beyond the conventional limits of artistic techniques.

The result is a collection of poignant prose-art pieces that frame what I believe to be a hopeful vision for the evolving relationship between man and machine.

In the creation and exploration of ‘Artificial Reveries’, I was preoccupied with the notion of collaboration between human feeling and machine intelligence. Could AI-generated art go beyond a trend and find a purpose?

American philosopher John Dewey writes “Science states meanings; art expresses them”. In doing so, Dewey prescribes clear roles for the two in the process of creation. But in the instance of AI-generated art, I find a purpose when the roles are reversed. Here, art (poetry) states meanings and allows science (AI) to express them, making something entirely new and thoughtful.

Could this be how AI fits into a landscape that’s ruled by human emotion?

These pieces of prose where written at particularly poignant moments in my life. Seeing them visualised by artificial intelligence - arguably the most objective of parties - presented me with a unique opportunity to go back in time and delve into the unresolved and the bittersweet.

By observing AI’s interpretation of my deepest & most turbulent thoughts, it sparked new connections and ultimately understanding. There’s an almost eerie poignancy in the beauty of the visual art. Feeling given form. A result that could not have existed without either the poetry or the AI.

What started as an experiment, ‘Artificial Reveries’ ended as a synesthetic creative collaboration between human feeling and machine intelligence. And defines a use for AI – to draw a connection between artistic instinct and data to make unexpected meaning and new points of consideration.

‘Artificial Reveries’ is presented as a poster series and a digital exhibition.

Credit: Taraka 'TK' Tennakoon


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