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  • Writer's pictureTK Tennakoon

Entertainment | Strange New Worlds, gorgeous new visuals.

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is one of 2022's most hotly anticipated television shows. Adding to the stellar cast and promised return to episodic planet-hopping adventures, one other element has had fans (OK, me) really excited.

The visuals and production of the show. They look unbelievably gorgeous.

The Star Trek universe has always been rich with imagination. The world-building was (and continues to be) filled with detail and colour. And now, we have contemporary 21st century production and award-winning design firmly at the helm as well.

The franchise has never looked better. The updated look does an incredible job in balancing elements of contemporary futurisim, while still echoing the aesthetic spirit of the original 60s show. It's so interesting to examine how production designer Jonathan Lee and his team have reimagined the Star Trek universe with such detail, care and vibrancy.

However, what takes the cake so far is not in the televisual production, but a teaser animation that set social media alight:

This purposeful mix of visual styles is beautifully crafted and a wonderful metaphor for - what I assume will be - the different tones and styles of storytelling we can expect to see in the first season. Could each episode be as different and rich as the visuals in this teaser? Does each vignette hold a clue to the story of each episode? I'll find out on May 5th, but for now, I'll continue to geek out on this *fascinating* new era of Star Trek design.

Image & Video Credit: CBS, Paramount


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