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  • Writer's pictureTK Tennakoon

Music | Norway's 'Monument' a mystery & a metaphor for the Eurovision stage.

Updated: Apr 16, 2022

Much furor was made when NRK announced that the iconic group KEiiNO would be returning to Norway's Melodi Grand Prix for another bid to represent the nation at the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. The group had previously flown the flag in 2019 with the song 'Spirit In The Sky', eventually topping the televote and securing a respectable 6th place overall.

Since then, the group have gone on to become regional superstars and fan favourites, releasing a string of empowering anthems and dancefloor hits. So, it was no surprise to see them back for another stab at the Crystal Trophy, as well as the chance of taking their undeniable stardom global.

What was surprising though, was the song they came back with.

Where 'Spirit In The Sky' was joyful & uplifting, 'Monument' is a mysterious ode that reincarnates the group's sound to dark & euphoric. They've replaced the sparkling pop sheen with more enigmatic electronica. The traditional joik has now been interpolated in more palpable way. Story-wise, I love how the lyrics make the joik the song's raison d'être, casting it as a mysterious metaphor & reminder for the strange times we've all shared this past year.

It's all very clever and well-crafted, with a clear intent of appealing to the professional juries. And, I'm delighted to say, that they've done so without sacrificing any of their original charisma that made them so popular with the televoters in the first place. This is Keiino 2.0. And they are out for blood.

Check out their first live performance of 'Monument' below:

That 'Thunder & Gloria' key change is everything! In fell swoop, they've raised the bar for everyone else on the road to Rotterdam 2021.

As the fandom rightly acknowledges: this is KEiiNO's world and the rest of us just live here.

Image Credit: NRK, Norway Today


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