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'The Hungry Purchase Resale'

Saving Dubai's hungry shoppers from spending bloopers.


Dubai is truly a shopper's paradise. Some 40+ malls attract over 100 million visitors & eager shoppers every year. And things go particularly crazy during the epic month long sale that is the Dubai Shopping Festival.


With everything, right from stationery to super cars being offered at slashed prices, shoppers are in rapt attention. Snickers wanted a share of this attention too.


To break through all this clutter, tongue-in-cheek was the way to go.



We created a campaign was built on the insight that often during sales, people buy things they later regret. The 'Snickers Hungry Purchase Resale' blamed these bloopers on hunger, swooping in to the rescue in an unexpected way.


Dubai Lynx 2014: Bronze x2



Impact BBDO



Art Direction

Taraka 'TK' Tennakoon

Results & Impact

Campaign Results


200+ submissions in a single week.

The click-through rate 5 times the industry standard.

80% of submitted items sold on the same day.


'The Hungry Purchase Resale' picked up 2 bronzes at the 2014 Dubai Lynx Awards, in Interactive & Digital Media.


Jamie Kennaway & Akhilesh Bagri - Associate Creative Directors

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